Thursday, March 21, 2013

teens hooking up and no longer dating

It seems that today's teenagers/ students are much different than the last generation of teenagers when it comes to dating. “Hooking up” is a term to describe a sexual encounter between two people. It is a deliberately vague expression, and can mean making out, having intercourse, or anything in between.
The hallmark of hooking up is the clear understanding between both parties that the encounter will be free from any expectations for further contact. It is designed to avoid the possibility of commitment or emotional connection. Students have all the pleasures of dating without commitments or pressure.
Many students feel as if they do not have time for a relationship, between school and sports. But is that true, or is it just another excuse? In an Interview with english teacher, former track coach, and father of two preteens soon going into high school, Charles Alexander. he stated, “Kids see sex as recreation, I think it’s a reflection of society because there are adults of there who also see sex as a recreation”. When we asked if he thought the media was an influence factor, he brought up the point, that, it could also be the other way around and actually be the teenagers influencing the media. Its like the chicken and the egg.
Everyday more and more teenagers are involved in these actions, more and more adults are noticing these actions as well. “what we consider relationships nowadays, opposed to what it once was. I think the cause of it is that a lot of kids nowadays do not have role models at home, a mother and a father together that show love and affection of what a real relationship should be like. That’s what I believe, honesty is the biggest and major impact on why the change is apparent.” stated Mr. Isaac Williams, northwood security.
Laura Sessions Stepp, author of “Unhooked,” states in her book “That hookups can be damaging to young women and men, denying their emotional needs, putting them at risk of depression and even sexually transmitted disease, and making them ill-equipped for real relationships later on.” not to mention teen pregnancy’s.
We really have to try and change this trend, our generation has to learn self respect and well as respect for others. Honestly what's wrong with dating? its fun getting to know people and being able to care for them. spending time with them and just enjoying the teenage years without the pressure of having meanless intercourse.
Our generation, specially the girls, need to realize that they are worth so much more than just a hook up. Why would you let someone use you and why would you use someone else.

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